This time of year always brings on thoughts of self improvement. I strive to work on myself throughout the year and consciously make decisions regarding what I can do to be the best version of me. Unless you live in a bubble, the 'new year' typically elicits thoughts of change. 2015 is the year of MORE for me. I want more, more, MORE! More of the things in life that make me happy.
1. Walk more. There are so many positive things that come from walking aside from the obvious physical benefits. Psychologically this is something that helps my overall outlook on life. I become happier when I walk. My relationship with my husband improves when we take walks together. My relationships with both family and friends become better when I walk because I use it as an opportunity to make phone calls and catch up with them. My relationship with myself becomes better when I walk because I don't beat myself up as much for being 'lazy' or not doing anything. Walks allow me to enjoy mother nature and the beautiful area I live in. In addition to walking I'd like to begin running again---yes...2014 was the year Angela ran 3 miles without stopping or failing or dying. I'd like to start that again in 2015. Really, anything physical is my goal. But the goal begins with walking. So, I gotta get to steppin' !!!
2. Cuddle More. I don't think this was requires a description. Totally self explanatory.
3. Enjoy the small things in life because they turn out to actually be the big things. Anxiety is something that often overtakes me and prevents me from enjoying life. I need to take a step back and enjoy moments and stop thinking about 'what's next.'
4. Cook more. Bake more. Smile more.

5. Spend more time with the people who matter. The people who make me happy. The ones who make me feel loved. That's the real secret to life; I'm not sure why it's ever a secret.
6. Eat more healthy food. In the middle of 2014 I stopped eating meat. After a lot of research and thought I decided to take the plunge and try it for one month. After the month was up I didn't want to eat meat again. I plan to continue on this food journey in 2015.
7. Craft more. Create more. Do more. There's something about creating and replicating that genuinely makes me happy. I already have a craft weekend planned with my best friend, so I'm off to a good start on this one!
In addition to these goals, I'd like to begin volunteering again and save money for the future.
2015 is a year of self improvement for me. A year that I would like to increase my self love.
Bring it on, 2015. I'm ready for you!
Happy New Year! What are your goals for 2015?